Wednesday, September 13, 2006

seen & heard 4

in cara's a**h!!2 class this morning.

laptop girl: diligently typing in cara's every word
jock boy: grinning flirtaciously,"that's a good way of taking notes. does it help remembering too?"
lg: "no, it's about the same", goes on typing

moral: don't flirt with me when i'm learning about absolute dating techniques, dumbnut.

cara's a good lecturer, though today she was worried about the amount of material she had to unload on her wee students in just one short hour. personally, i think she did rather well. she's got excellent interactive skills, uses humour generously, and encourages the youngsters to ask questions and think critically. her class is on the large side but students take participation and ask questions and answer verbal pop quizes like little angels. i wonder if it's not simply because their prof is so approachable and friendly;-) though of course there is a chance they are interested in archaeology too. (incidentally, no striking eye candy, but lots of interesting faces).

on the home front, k. reports that there have been some developments in the south corner of her living room. see below.
(s.m. on loan from shane w.)



Anonymous said...

Aww, thanks Kas! You made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside with teacher-y goodness. It's good to have people come to the class and critique.

Anonymous said...

Just a comment--probably not a good idea to look for eye candy in a first year class. This is known as jailbait.


Anonymous said...

nah, the ones i was looking over were definately over 18.

Anonymous said...

My students are not objects!

Anonymous said...

See, that is totally legal, even is they were only 18.