Wednesday, August 16, 2006

back on the prairies

above, an amazing gift from c.

greetings my dear readers! i'm back from t.o. and already with my nose deep in my thesis again. *sigh*
i might relate to you some stories from my non-holidays in the coming days. or i might not. we'll see which way the winds are blowing.



Anonymous said...

How is it a non-holiday?


None said...

Kasia, I can see your secondary food opening. Nice skirt though...

Anonymous said...

O.k .so i'm horrible. I was reading your blog and saw the flickr photo thing and saw pictures of people that looked like they could be your parents, then I started looking through them to see if there was a picture of your brother. alas i couldn't find one...but I can now be considered a semi-stalker i think.


Anonymous said...

you are silly, just go to the set titled 'wedding'. and yes, you are a stalker. but only in cyberspace;-)

Anonymous said...

and admit it, you were not really reading my blog, were you?

Anonymous said...

aaaaahhhh is he's the one playing the piano and from a couple of other shots, right? yummmmm. Of course I was reading your blog....really.

Anonymous said...

hahah, you're too funny. o.k. here's a plan, if i moved to calgary there would be a chance of him visiting me there;-P saskatoon is not exciting enough for him.