2 members of my personal posse are back from alberta so of course we had to have a celebratory 'deconstructing-&-disrupting*' session at alex's...
check out nisse's new boob shot;-P. (hey, she asked for it)
check out nisse's new boob shot;-P. (hey, she asked for it)

cara posing with a painting of k. as an old woman on her estate

k., the queen of codependency goodness
*deconstructing (of ourselves and of everyone and their dog), disrupting (of whatever important work we were doing, like thesis writing, and of our bloodstreams with alcohol)
Barrettes are the tools of the oppressor!
ps.haha, boobs.
you should see them today, they are even bigger, I feel like a circus freak, like they will soon take over my entire body, yeah puberty at 27.
Hey, so THAT'S what you were doing in Edmonton!
Denise, got milk?
Glad to see you were reflective and took the girls out in a cute top too.
PS-just don't deconstruct me.
Hey Cara, you're blurry.
That's me baby! Blurry and mysterious!
carrie, i didn't take them out, they took me out.
and we only deconstruct those absentees we don't like;-)so you're safe,hon.
Carrie--you deconstruct yourself better than we ever could.
Sorry, "the girls" was refering to the titties. Thanks all.
hahaahha, that sentence now just sounds sick! aah, me and my slowness;-P
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