Thursday, June 01, 2006

aah, the drama

why the hell is it june already??!! maybe i feel this way cause i've been in some kind of warped time zone since yesterday when i locked myself out of my home...
yes, i am that idiotic.
and my landlord is in australia.
so. after the initial rage wore off a wee bit i ran to friends for help. suffice to say they delivered as always.
my pink gin worked wonders...


Anonymous said...

Oh man! You went with the fuzzy picture! What's up with that?
ps. there is four z in a row in my verification thingy (my wierdest one so far I think)

None said...

Maybe she was drunk and that picture looked clear?

Anonymous said...

hey! i resent that! i don't have hallucinations when i drink!
the other ones made me look ugly. and all know how vain k. is...

carrie said...

Sounds to me like you guys have been doing a lot of drinking lately without me. :(

Anonymous said...

no!!! that's not true! it's only cause cara is rich and i'm weak and lonely and lock myself out of my house. i swear!