2. kris and the undegrads: suprised by the paparazzi. he was mad 'cause he doesn't want the word of him working hard for the g.a. project get around the department. he says he has his image to think about. hmmm...
3. glue sniffing in the line of science: piece by glassy piece.

4. gleeful kim w.: there are reports that she started sleeping under her newly annexed desk. (privately, we think the area sadly lacks in tacky decor)

5. reflecting on art on 33rd street: rainy saturday called for a visit to the library. the finds can be seen below

6. heard on thursday: "your tombs are phallic!" (nisse g. after looking closely at my research material)
7. heard on friday: "smells like a funeral home in here" (nisse g. walking into our lab where cara's birthday bouquet's been scenting the air)
Someone should tell Chris not to glue the GAMAP stuff, it is just going to be put in storage and it more delicate to store if reconstructed.
Kim looks comfy, but cluttered in my desk.
Oh god, my pottery! Are they ok in that mess and kaos called GAMAP lab work?
Kris is gluing a panel glass bottle. We discussed the pros and cons before hand. And I actually said that the lab seemed like a funeral home (cold, dark AND smells like flowers).
Oh Kas, can you send me a copy of the artifact photo you took? Thanks
i feel so alone...but am glad to be able to see what is going on! Miss you all! P.S. why did Denise (nisse) need to be qualified after with a g. are there more nisses in the dept. that I know not of?
last name initials, that's just one of k.'s many storytelling quirks
p.s. who is E, as in the letters C E and D????
I imagine they are to represent a certain recent MAs initials.
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