Monday, December 26, 2005

what you always wanted to know about hanukkah but were afraid to ask

note the author!

ps. thanks to chris m. for sending me the cutout.


None said...

What a hanukkah? Some sort of ointment?

None said...

P.S. Why does your time say 7:28 for my last post when it was 6:28?

None said...

Last time. That was to say "what's a hanukkah?"

Anonymous said...

time says 7:28 cause i set up my blog in t.o. so it keeps eastern time. no idea why. it's one of those mistical things.

Anonymous said...

Regarding time-I get real confused (aren't I always) because I send an email in Alberta from PAWS and it is in Sask time. Yeah, I'm weird.