first attempt at christmas shopping...
i actually managed to find something, though not what i was looking for, obviously.
i don't know if it's cause it is tuesday, or maybe cause it's only dec. 6th, but i haven't noticed any scenes of desperation or pandemonium...
one complaint, however, THERE ARE NO PENGUINS IN THIS CITY, to buy or steal.
second attempt planned for thursday afternoon.
wish me luck.
I got a penguin on a bottle of wine...he's snowboarding-M
p.s. I love the old pic!
so glad you picked up on this;-)i especially liked how the white cat sign is visible from that distance!
i wonder if it's doctored.
You know what, I think it is!!! Comapre the side of the building's bright white to the drug store sign in the foreground. hmmmmm...
I think it's doctorbed... Still a cool pic though!
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