Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
ghost of xmas past

this is weird because i don't believe in that kind of stuff.
here she is feeding a duck. she liked animals of all sorts, she called them 'bugs', regardless of the animal's species;-)
the other photo is of her in her early twenties (i think).
snuffsnuff and i have been doing what we each do best, me: working, eating, reading peanuts comics, him: being a cat, listening to cbc (favourite carol: 'santa luccia), having his tummy rubbed, trying to prevent me from reading peanuts so i can attend to his ears as well
family called once already, they will call again tonight.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005

just got back....it's beatiful outside, not too cold, kind of misty, yet starry...perfect setting for coming home, back from seeing 'chronicles of narnia. the lion, the witch and the wardrobe'.
i'm going to say only one thing about the film for now (as most of you probably haven't seen it yet), mr. tumnus stole the show, in my opinion.
mr. baggins can go stuff himself!
fauns rock!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
more germanic fun!

this is sick! these two wee fellows are max and moritz, i used to read about their unhappy adventures as a child. my granddad gave me the book. i seem to remember him reciting willhelm busch's story from memory, in the original german...i think he learned it as a child also!
thanks to mr. pig for the link;-D
but my favourite is e.t. hoffman, who also wrote 'the nutckracker'.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
have you been naughty?
those veggie lovers
went to student health today...while waiting (half hr, though i had an appointment) i noticed the "brochure wall". there, right between booklets on "safer sex? use condoms!" and "safer oral sex" and "wink, wink, what's in your drink" was the "tips for vegetarians at the u of s" one...
love the context.
love the context.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
she's here!
took me no time at all, thanks to carrie's and nise's helpful bus hints, to get downtown. we even took a bus back!
of course, they lost a piece of her luggage. it's becoming a tradition, or smth.
and of course it was the one that had my xmas present from my mom in it!!! fuckity, fuck, fuck.
first thing n. said after getting off the bus on cumberland and 14th: "i like saskatoon. it's just the right kind of small".
i think i'm gonna bring her to school with me today...
took me no time at all, thanks to carrie's and nise's helpful bus hints, to get downtown. we even took a bus back!
of course, they lost a piece of her luggage. it's becoming a tradition, or smth.
and of course it was the one that had my xmas present from my mom in it!!! fuckity, fuck, fuck.
first thing n. said after getting off the bus on cumberland and 14th: "i like saskatoon. it's just the right kind of small".
i think i'm gonna bring her to school with me today...

holy penguins and lemmings!
i actually finished my xmas shopping for la familia! and it's only the second trip!
i've had so much fun i can't sleep now.
well, it could also be the awareness of having to get up at 5:30am and go pick up natalie from the bus depot.
oh!!! fuckshit!!! burned my tongue just now on the hot camomile tea...
o.k. maybe i should go back to bed?
i take it you agree with me, no?
see you....er...today.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
adventures in retail

first attempt at christmas shopping...
i actually managed to find something, though not what i was looking for, obviously.
i don't know if it's cause it is tuesday, or maybe cause it's only dec. 6th, but i haven't noticed any scenes of desperation or pandemonium...
one complaint, however, THERE ARE NO PENGUINS IN THIS CITY, to buy or steal.
second attempt planned for thursday afternoon.
wish me luck.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
elegantly wasted

all i can say is that i had fun, got smashed and can't remember a thing i said. so don't come bringing issues to me.
the white frock was much more comfortable than expected, even despite its attempts at revealment.
new fiona apple on the reels right now. goes well with my 'drunk's guilt'.
i have a sneaky suspition not much will get done today. best policy in such situations is to stick to domestic chores and/or crafts, plus a trip to the movies in the evening...
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
on the first day of xmas....

those who don't know the book...it causes out loud laughter in public places, loss of interest in things grownup, complete disregard of one's schedule, and many, many more painful disadvantages...
don't say i didn't warn you.
guest on the way!

i guess that means i also have to clean my place. hey, d. wanna come over and give me another xmas gift?
Sunday, November 27, 2005
theoretically i'm working on my gender lecture, and a chapter of my thesis...
upstairs they're rebuilding the house...or at least, that's what it sounds like.
current mood: unfocused
put up carrie's xmas lights today. very ingenious use of pins, i must say;-) had the soundtrack to 'nightmare before christmas' playing along.
one must amuse oneself in any way one can.
maybe i should make some dinner?
upstairs they're rebuilding the house...or at least, that's what it sounds like.
current mood: unfocused
put up carrie's xmas lights today. very ingenious use of pins, i must say;-) had the soundtrack to 'nightmare before christmas' playing along.
one must amuse oneself in any way one can.
maybe i should make some dinner?
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
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