Monday, January 29, 2007

this is what happens to you after your telly has gone to heaven


BelNor said...

Hey K.

Is that for Snuffaluffagous?

Looks cool even if it isn't

Anonymous said...

Is that a one armed sweater? or is it just not finished yet? Is it warm?
PS- wait, is this a not so subtle hint that in your boredom of not having tv you cut off one of your own arms?

Anonymous said...

ahahahhaha! you guys are awesome!
carrie, yes that thought did come to me, though i was thinking more of cutting the head off. makes more sense, really, when you think about it...
ps. keep it coming, i love these guesses!

Anonymous said...

wait, I got it! a snuggly for a vibrator?

Anonymous said...

nice try carrie, but no. wouldn't be very hygenic, would it;-)

BelNor said...

that would be one hell of a HUGE vibrator!!!!!

I's say that is is a noodle warmer for her future bow!! Get it, NOODLE warmer!!! Setting your sights just a little high, eh K.!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It looks like those long gloves that vets wear to delivery cow and horse babies, but there is no hand part, and I can't imagine Kas wants to stick her hand up farm animals any time soon.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, okay, I think you guys are going about it all wrong-it's really a pair of winter panties, with a tube for peeing out of standing up like how guys can-cuz we all know when you're cold and outside and gotta go, squattin' in the bush sucks ass. And I notice a button as well, maybe for attaching an accessory of some sort to the winter panties? (Read matchin handbag)

Anonymous said...

firt off, comments work! YAY!
secondly, M., you and i should patent the idea. call me. (once patented i will present each female member of the posse with one.)
overall you guys guessed the scale properly. though, blingbling, i'm not
THAT demanding in that department. (i'm really guite nice and understanding)
to conclude, good effort guys!

now, shall i tell you?


Anonymous said...

Scale bar please.
oooo, wair I got. It is a snuggly/ cover for a hatchet.

Kasia said...

is that a not so subtle hint you want a snuggly for your hatchet, carrie?