the usual success, with more food than anyone has seen in months. the secret santa gifts were even more creative than last year, and the wrapping techniques simply inspirational! (mine was sealed with duck tape;-)
this is what i got

i'm really, really, really hoping it's NOT because someone thought i look like dustin hoffman!
(o.k., some of my clothes are a bit crazy).
good times in geekland.
I heard that the bling wasn't shaving until he was finished writing-does this mean he is? Right-on!
bling bling, you wanna answer this one?
Yeah, there are several reasons why I shaved.
1. I was forgetting how beautiful I actually was.
2. The beard wasn't helping me write faster.
3. The beard wasn't helping me write any better.
4. And it was something different...kinda sucky I know, but hey! give me a week and I can have it back.
-bling bling-
oh dave! don't you ever forget how beautiful you are! What you should do is train your beard to assist you in writing better and faster! Try some treats, like yogurt covered raisons, and possibly cookie crumbs.
hheheheheh. he has to try so much harder this year, what with all these new maly males in the dept.
btw, i've been trying to train my buttocks to assist me with thesis writing by making them more cuishon-y to sit on. it's going well. the fattening process that is.
MePo, i miss you! when we will we see you?
Dave, does back hair help?
Funny enough that is what has gotten me through the first 5 chapters. Without it, I think I would still be trying to figure out what end of the trowel to dig with.
As well, swass (sweaty ass) has also gotten me through some tough times.
-bling bling-
love the xmasy atmosphere of our conversation here. swass by a tree and a fireplace...aaah...
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