Wednesday, November 01, 2006

how i suprise myself sometimes

my last night's dream was about how apples came to be fruits of sin.
someone's been reading too much weird crap before bed...



None said...

Kas, I am only saying this to help you but do we need to do an intervention?

None said...

P.S. Those Halloween photos are great! I didn't even recognize Cara and Richard and Heather's costumes were awesome! He looked just like Senor Clean!!!

Anonymous said...

yea! i love interventions! does that mean you'll come to saskatoon!;-P

None said...

I'll come... But only if there is cake.

Anonymous said...

hey Kas what do those labels do? I click on them but nothing happens:(

Kasia said...

heehee, cara, you're funny;-) they're not supposed to do anything. they organize the posts, that's all. maybe one day i'll have the categories bunched into groups that can be searched/linked, but for now they're just decor.

Kasia said...

no, wait! they do that already;-) but i've only started to label them last month so you wont get many posts in any category. and anyway, it's more for my own reference than anyones, really. who else would wanna look at my old posts.