Thursday, November 23, 2006

georgie porgie

o.k. so some of you heard me talking about george s. (allright, drooling about him) as of lately.
today i finally emailed the cbc to ask for tickies to 'the hour' for when i'm in t.o. for the holidays...
gawsh....i'm going to meet strombikins! in person!
to celebrate here's a link to the gemini skit, which i missed when it aired.
oh, and btw, i only objectify him for his mind.

giggle, giggle, giggle...



Anonymous said...

For his mind? If you ask me he isn't really good for either. Plus, I thought the Hour was news for teenagers?
PS- I know I may offend some of you with this comment.

Anonymous said...

gee, do tell us how you really feel;-)whoever you are...
but seriously, if you give your opinion, give your name. my blog, my rules.

Anonymous said...

now that i think of it, even a negative strong reaction is better than no reactin at all. so bring it on! but sign your name;-)(or i'll consider it spam)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the hour being news for teenagers?? What country/planet/era are they from??

So, K. going to go visit with Mr. Shorty? D. told us you didn't know that he was short...well he is, even compared to me!!

-bling bling-

Anonymous said...

yes, bling bling, i know he's short.

Anonymous said...

Remember that he was mine first.


Anonymous said...

yes, Nisse, i will be carrying a sexy photo of you as soon as the cbc building comes into view.

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way, George does have a long term girlfriend who is a producer for CBC. Yeah--he's not gay (take that haters).


Anonymous said...

i knew it!
ps. ha, my word is 'opryk'