i will keep away for a bit, i think. well, i have to go visit golder tomorrow so i will probably leave the gift of plague behind...
and the thesis will have to write itself, i guess...
[fr-ah-ee-ar]: a sucker, mug, general dork (hebrew from yiddish, also exists in the polish)
I am so sick! I am so sick! S-C-K!
I mean S-I-C-K!
Good luck K. Give 'em sh*t!!!!
-bling bling-
They are very nice-I know you'll do great. I've done my pdf thesis, (its only 3MB) I could email it to you if you like...M.
I have Polio. Thanks Cara! Paralytic Polio is the bestest! I may never have to move again in my lifetime! Machines will do everything for me! Screw walking, scooters rock!!!
yay, electronic thesis! yes, of course i want it, meg! jer, u should get a vespa. blingbling, thanks.
cara, are you telling me this thing doesn't get better, ever?!
Hi Kas
I am sorry you are plague ridden. I hope you feel better soon!!
Come back to school! I miss you.
;-))))) k. likes being missed;-)
K. I had a beer at alexanders the other night....looked for you, but you weren't there.....so I had to talk to C. instead......CD. not CP, but I did talk to CP, but then I talked with CD.....and it was all dirty.....dirty dirty talk........don't believe me?.......ask her yourself.......... ;)
-bling bling-
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