"Even if our efforts of attention
seem for years to be producing
no result, one day a light that is
in exact proportion to them will
flood the soul."
seem for years to be producing
no result, one day a light that is
in exact proportion to them will
flood the soul."
Simone Weil
well, i certainly hope so.
here's what's happened over the weekend:
1. my favourite store, ragtime, is closing
2. i've realized the world has not changed one bit since the 1930s depression
3. i've aquired a nickname -- 'peppermint k.'
4. i went for a walk! (and did not freeze to death)
5. i found out that reassuring others makes a raging optimist out of me
6. then i fall right back into my old sad self
7. i'm getting a d.c. as birthday/graduation present from my family!!!!
8. my family likes me;-]
9. er...life is weird
here's what's happened over the weekend:
1. my favourite store, ragtime, is closing
2. i've realized the world has not changed one bit since the 1930s depression
3. i've aquired a nickname -- 'peppermint k.'
4. i went for a walk! (and did not freeze to death)
5. i found out that reassuring others makes a raging optimist out of me
6. then i fall right back into my old sad self
7. i'm getting a d.c. as birthday/graduation present from my family!!!!
8. my family likes me;-]
9. er...life is weird
I believe the world has changed since the 1930s. I like that there is no more Polio in Canada (except for those freaky Pollios).
What is a d.c.?
I hear they invented a Pollio vaccine but no one would take it.
Was the Pollio vaccine made from actual Pollios?
She gave me an STD. I think it is Polio...
Oh no Jer! I heard that once you get a Pollio, they are REALLY hard to get rid of! I would seek medical attention immediately. You may require surgery.
u guys are on serious crack
We still don't know what a d.c. is. How about dry crouton? Or dark chocolate? Maybe d**** c**** hahaha I'm so dirty.
p.s. Pollio's are only hard to get rid of because they are so damn awsome!
I thought at first that D.C. meant "Dirty Crackwhore", but then I usually callthem by their first name so that can't be it.
I know!!!! How about a Digital Camera!!!!!?????
So what is it K. Dirty Crackwhore or Digital camera???
-bling bling-
heeheeheeheee...i like this game;-D
Okay, how awesome can Pollios be if they can't spell awesome correctly?? MMMmmmmmm
good point there d.!
i like it when ppl comment lots in here;-P
oh, and i think i'm getting a crackwhore as well...no d...c...though;-(( no wait, i don't want that, i want a b.f.c.
o.k. enough my aunt reads this
If a b.f.c. is what I think it is then look on my blog today.
What I want to know is what's up with the new nickname. What's that all about? Also, I hang my head in shame at my lack of spellinginess. I misrepresent the entire Pollio organization. Don't tell them or I might end up in cement shoes...
Peppermint K, have you been lying about your age? If you remember the depression wouldn't that make you about 70'ish? I thought I smelled mothballs...
the nickname will become clear to all as soon as we have some dry weather.
must stop checking in here...supposed to be working, damn it.
Maybe even closer too 80 or 90?
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