just so you all don't think i'm permanently stuck in the hobbit hole waiting for the cab...
arrived safely. parental unit and sibling overjoyed. don't know what to do with all the food. preparations are continuing. will culminate in tonight's big supper. taking loads of pictures to share with you later.
must go. mother yelling for me to come back to the kitchen ("do you think you're on holiday or something?").
write and tell me your version of the above,
huging you in a xmasy way,
ps. the weather is middle eastern, or else on holiday from cornwell.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
jetseter i am not
5 bollocking am.
not impressed with flying time at the moment.
waiting for cab to arrive.
where the bloody hell is my coffee?
tim's better be open when i get to airport.
so tired, tired.
see u in t.o. time zone. (this blog is already there)
not impressed with flying time at the moment.
waiting for cab to arrive.
where the bloody hell is my coffee?
tim's better be open when i get to airport.
so tired, tired.
see u in t.o. time zone. (this blog is already there)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
packing for the big city
anyway, i hope the british weather now residing in ontario holds up 'cause i'm bringing my dancing shoes.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
annual archy dept xmas party 2006
the usual success, with more food than anyone has seen in months. the secret santa gifts were even more creative than last year, and the wrapping techniques simply inspirational! (mine was sealed with duck tape;-)
this is what i got

i'm really, really, really hoping it's NOT because someone thought i look like dustin hoffman!
(o.k., some of my clothes are a bit crazy).
good times in geekland.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
kitchen secrets 1.2
i've spent the morning and early afternoon shopping for groceries with nisse and then making chanukkah crepes while listening to the rigoletto on the wireless.
i am soo weird.
and as always when i make holiday food my grandparents were on my mind.

still to come: "which dress to wear?!" and "the annual archaeology department xmas party extravaganza 2006".
happy xmukkah!
as a treat to celebrate the first full day of chanukkah and the last shopping week before xmas enjoy this little latkeh/advent chocolate special!
Friday, December 15, 2006
aurora borealis
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
queen of canlit
i've suspected margaret atwood of this for a while now, and finally there's proof! (yes, i know the clip is from the 70s but some of us were barely entering this dimension at the time, weren't we. could have hardly been aware of cbc's programming;-)
btw, what do you guys think of peter gzowski's flirting? haha;-P
atwood's reference site has also posted some of her 'undercover' work here.
and here's a link to this magazine where it appeared.
is there something this woman cannot do?!
ze mind, it boggles.
btw, what do you guys think of peter gzowski's flirting? haha;-P
atwood's reference site has also posted some of her 'undercover' work here.
and here's a link to this magazine where it appeared.
is there something this woman cannot do?!
ze mind, it boggles.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
my favourite things, part 1
this is one of my favourite xmasy songs (hey, i said my favourite, o.k.)...the video isn't exactly holiday-related but i thought, at least for some of you, the trade off is worth it;-P
you can thank me now, ladies.
you can thank me now, ladies.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
befriend with caution
i don't like to blow my own horn, but i must be one of the dorkiest people i know.
i am amused by sites like this one!
i onced found an antique copy of a dictionary of rhymes in a second-hand bookstore in jerusalem. in the end i decided on giving it to a friend who's an editor, but the simple fact that books of that category find their way into my greedy hands speaks for itself.
i really think you should reconsider why you're friends with me, and what it is going to do for your career...
i am amused by sites like this one!
i onced found an antique copy of a dictionary of rhymes in a second-hand bookstore in jerusalem. in the end i decided on giving it to a friend who's an editor, but the simple fact that books of that category find their way into my greedy hands speaks for itself.
i really think you should reconsider why you're friends with me, and what it is going to do for your career...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
good grief, we have to wait till then?!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
now in multipurpose version
today i saw a man using a pickaxe to hack through the sheet of ice covering his driveway.
bet ya he watches archaeology shows on the telly.
bet ya he watches archaeology shows on the telly.
yep, yep....noooooo, nooooo, nooooo
when it's cold outside, i think, well, at least i speak the language...
(though, they do speak 'chicken' better than i'll ever be able to.)
(though, they do speak 'chicken' better than i'll ever be able to.)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
there is no line
o.k, i'm going to share something with you to show you how shameless i really am.
i'm sitting at alexander's (local watering hole favoured by the archaeologists) last night, with d. and c.p., discussing the finer points of world issues and sipping on my baileys when a sudden craving grips me. being the obnoxious person that i am, i voice it.
i vant pickles, i vant them bad."
our server overhears. "would you like me to bring you some?"
me: "what?! no, no, it's o.k., i was just joking"
o.s.: "it's no problem at all. i'll bring you a little side plate"
me: "no, really, don't trouble yourself!"
o.s.: "i'll be right back with them"
me: cover my face with my hands and whimper softly, reflecting on my status as the resident weirdo.
of course, she brought them and they were yummy and i forgot all about my shame.
but seriously.
i wonder though...what if i asked for vegetarian spicy italian sausages next time? and some dijon mustard?
i'm sitting at alexander's (local watering hole favoured by the archaeologists) last night, with d. and c.p., discussing the finer points of world issues and sipping on my baileys when a sudden craving grips me. being the obnoxious person that i am, i voice it.
i vant pickles, i vant them bad."
our server overhears. "would you like me to bring you some?"
me: "what?! no, no, it's o.k., i was just joking"
o.s.: "it's no problem at all. i'll bring you a little side plate"
me: "no, really, don't trouble yourself!"
o.s.: "i'll be right back with them"
me: cover my face with my hands and whimper softly, reflecting on my status as the resident weirdo.
of course, she brought them and they were yummy and i forgot all about my shame.
but seriously.
i wonder though...what if i asked for vegetarian spicy italian sausages next time? and some dijon mustard?
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
begin the countdown

my mother told me she's already bought me a gift but after careful consideration returned it because it wasn't "quite perfect". so now i'm not getting anything;-D
ah, mothers.
sometimes i wonder how much like her i'll end up being.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
"Od nowa deszcz, panowie, migocace luski
na grzbiet katedry, oblaza ulice i ruch uliczny
przechodzi do krwi. A mury, mury wlasnie
odslaniaja dziasla i zrzuca siodma skore
miasto czterdziestu bankow, widac doskonale
z poprzednich sezonow niearyjskie sklepy,
jeszcze burmistrzowa przeglada sie w witrynie.
I niearyjskie bezwstydne sklepowe wydaja drobne,
prawie niewidoczne, i dworzec wciaz wlada
jezykami siedmiu demonow, ogniem, para, sadza,
a corka maszynisty puszcza do mnie oko,
az marszczy sie skora w niepublicznych miejscach.
I chociaz znowu deszcz, panowie, jest
przeciez szansa na cieple mieszkanko."
Tomasz Rozycki, 2000.
na grzbiet katedry, oblaza ulice i ruch uliczny
przechodzi do krwi. A mury, mury wlasnie
odslaniaja dziasla i zrzuca siodma skore
miasto czterdziestu bankow, widac doskonale
z poprzednich sezonow niearyjskie sklepy,
jeszcze burmistrzowa przeglada sie w witrynie.
I niearyjskie bezwstydne sklepowe wydaja drobne,
prawie niewidoczne, i dworzec wciaz wlada
jezykami siedmiu demonow, ogniem, para, sadza,
a corka maszynisty puszcza do mnie oko,
az marszczy sie skora w niepublicznych miejscach.
I chociaz znowu deszcz, panowie, jest
przeciez szansa na cieple mieszkanko."
Tomasz Rozycki, 2000.
dzisiaj pakowalam ksiazki zeby zabrac z powrotem do rodzicow. wpadl mi w oko tom od ojca. nie wiadomo dlaczego skojarzyl mi sie z toba, f.;-)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
georgie porgie
o.k. so some of you heard me talking about george s. (allright, drooling about him) as of lately.
today i finally emailed the cbc to ask for tickies to 'the hour' for when i'm in t.o. for the holidays...
gawsh....i'm going to meet strombikins! in person!
to celebrate here's a link to the gemini skit, which i missed when it aired.
oh, and btw, i only objectify him for his mind.
giggle, giggle, giggle...
today i finally emailed the cbc to ask for tickies to 'the hour' for when i'm in t.o. for the holidays...
gawsh....i'm going to meet strombikins! in person!
to celebrate here's a link to the gemini skit, which i missed when it aired.
oh, and btw, i only objectify him for his mind.
giggle, giggle, giggle...
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
one word meme
found on a blog i read...
1. Yourself: worrier
2. Your spouse:unknown
3. Your hair: modified
4. Your mother: indescribable
5. Your father: shy
6. Your favorite item: laptop
7. Your dream last night: lost
8. Your favorite drink: coffee
9. Your dream car: whatever
10. The room you are in: living/study
11. Your ex: forgotten
12. Your fear: fear
13. What you want to be in 10 years: prof
14. Who you hung out with last night: laptop
15. What you're not: coldblooded
16. Muffins: rarely
17: One of your wish list items: airplane
18: Time: afternoon
19. The last thing you did: shower
20. What you are wearing: housepants
21. Your favorite weather: sunny
22. Your favorite book: many
23. The last thing you ate: crepes
24. Your life: progressing
25. Your mood: fresh
26. Your best friend: plural
27. What you're thinking about right now: boyfriend
28. Your car: bike
29. What you are doing at the moment: procrastinating
30. Your summer: thesis
31. Your relationship status: singleton
32. What is on your TV: ikea
33. What is the weather like: saskatchewanean
34. When was the last time you laughed: yesterday
consider yourself tagged! remember, one word only, no cheating!
1. Yourself: worrier
2. Your spouse:unknown
3. Your hair: modified
4. Your mother: indescribable
5. Your father: shy
6. Your favorite item: laptop
7. Your dream last night: lost
8. Your favorite drink: coffee
9. Your dream car: whatever
10. The room you are in: living/study
11. Your ex: forgotten
12. Your fear: fear
13. What you want to be in 10 years: prof
14. Who you hung out with last night: laptop
15. What you're not: coldblooded
16. Muffins: rarely
17: One of your wish list items: airplane
18: Time: afternoon
19. The last thing you did: shower
20. What you are wearing: housepants
21. Your favorite weather: sunny
22. Your favorite book: many
23. The last thing you ate: crepes
24. Your life: progressing
25. Your mood: fresh
26. Your best friend: plural
27. What you're thinking about right now: boyfriend
28. Your car: bike
29. What you are doing at the moment: procrastinating
30. Your summer: thesis
31. Your relationship status: singleton
32. What is on your TV: ikea
33. What is the weather like: saskatchewanean
34. When was the last time you laughed: yesterday
consider yourself tagged! remember, one word only, no cheating!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
reflected celebrity
check this out! i don't normally watch this show (the host is cute but waaaay too much into personifying indie) but i guess now i'll have to;-P
i'll keep you updated as to when they're going to air it. i know some of you don't have cable so i'll find out if it's gonna be available for downloading as well.
i'll keep you updated as to when they're going to air it. i know some of you don't have cable so i'll find out if it's gonna be available for downloading as well.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
change of wardrobe
my procrastination knows no bounds so i did some pre-holidays twicking. not sure whether i'll keep it this way...let's test it for now, shall we?
any reaction?
any reaction?
Thursday, November 09, 2006
from the diary of an old woman 2
weather cooperation: -18, so nil.
still sore from sweet boy, the therapist. i mean, the massage. whole self cracking loudly but in better spirits.
the historical archy contingent (plus extras) leaving for chacmool conference in calgary tomorrow. they are driving en masse so they can better group hyperventilate on the way there.
i can still see the democrats' gleeful little faces from tuesday. what's it gonna be called when they'll have a demo government and we -- con?
still sore from sweet boy, the therapist. i mean, the massage. whole self cracking loudly but in better spirits.
the historical archy contingent (plus extras) leaving for chacmool conference in calgary tomorrow. they are driving en masse so they can better group hyperventilate on the way there.
i can still see the democrats' gleeful little faces from tuesday. what's it gonna be called when they'll have a demo government and we -- con?
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
congratulations to new parents, carrie e. and b.rock! to check out the pics link to carrie's blog on the right.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
how i suprise myself sometimes
my last night's dream was about how apples came to be fruits of sin.
someone's been reading too much weird crap before bed...
someone's been reading too much weird crap before bed...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
i hit the culture wall!

o.k., so i've finally watched the legendary film "hiroshima mon amour", directed by alain resnais, screenplay by marguerite duras (the movie "the lover" was based on her book), 1959.
i don't know if i've become so completely blo@$bus%^erized (eeemposeeebul!) or i'm just too young (whoohoo!) but i didn't get the legendary-iness. and i found myself fidgeting. or was the experience supposed to make me uncomfortable? i'm lost.
my favourite thing was the 2003 interview with the actress who potrayed the female lead, emmanuelle riva (wow. what elegance, what youth, what serenity).
anyone of you seen it? wanna explain it to me?
ps. yes, i do get the part about war, peace, love, memory etc.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
from a diary of an old woman
can't write anymore (8pm), my back is killing me. managed to step outside my hole today, and went into thermal shock (albeit of the pleasant category). it was 10 degrees out. hahahaheheheh!
got milk and maclean's: "the internet sucks".
two people made me laugh (on the phone and via chat), a very good daily score.
should i go turn on the telly now?
ah, i'm so easily persuaded.
what have you been up to, my wee 'bit' monkies? hmmm?
got milk and maclean's: "the internet sucks".
two people made me laugh (on the phone and via chat), a very good daily score.
should i go turn on the telly now?
ah, i'm so easily persuaded.
what have you been up to, my wee 'bit' monkies? hmmm?
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
yoda says, do it every day you must!
hahah! this is interesting to say the least;-) so, what do you think? hmmmm??? eh, eh, eh?
i dare ya...
i dare ya...
Saturday, October 21, 2006
random post #48
home from the job. couldn't open the door on arrival at 11pm. it was blocked by a package from mother. full of, what else, chocolate (fancy kind too!:-)
she knows i'm too shy to go trick-or-tricking.
have no idea what i did all day. must have been fun 'cause i feel mellow.
now to bed again, with chocolate, tea and a book about spinoza (don't you roll your eyes at me. i know you're doing it! my spy hound is watching you...)
she knows i'm too shy to go trick-or-tricking.
have no idea what i did all day. must have been fun 'cause i feel mellow.
now to bed again, with chocolate, tea and a book about spinoza (don't you roll your eyes at me. i know you're doing it! my spy hound is watching you...)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
is this someone's idea of a joke?
Sunday, October 15, 2006
electronic ethnography?
this is what now appears when one logs out of flickr.
what'd you gals and boys think about the idea?
you like, you hate?
what'd you gals and boys think about the idea?
you like, you hate?
Saturday, October 14, 2006
brain twitch du jour
Friday, October 13, 2006
thursday night on tcm

groucho marx on the dick cavett show.
i was literarily sitting there taking notes.
must get my hands on his books (apparently he wrote several! why didn't i know this before?) and the dvds of the show.
ps. the dick cavett show is worth it's own post. holy gods of the sparkling wit!
next week on the show: katherine hepburn (another hero of mine)
Thursday, October 12, 2006

inspired by the electric yellow of their event apparel the grad students had a jug of extraextra black coffee each, to better simulate the look of friendliness and ecstatic energy the university requires from us on such occasions...

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