Monday, August 08, 2005

monday varia

kerem berem loves my shoes...
tel aviv with my friend r. today. shenkin, allenby, king george, gefen dresses, the textile streets, bauhaus and other interwar architecture. r.'s neighbourhood bar -- campari (k.) and arak (r.). more wandering, chaim bialik's house, the music library, street cats.
dinner in pasha -- turkish restaurant. huge icecream in bravissimo, eaten in front of tel aviv's cinemateque. got high on all the food, i think. very wired tonight, keep giggling.

i think that what makes me happy when i'm here is the fact that i don't have to make any decisions, don't have to think about later. i just live in the very minute of NOW.
oh, the relief of it.
ps. meagh. of course you win. don't know what as yet...i'll think of smth, don't u worry (k. misses u 2;-)


Anonymous said...

PSHAW!! I should win. It's a drinking vessel or at least that is what it would be in Greece, as we both know the Near East has a wonderful way of using the Greek terms for different things (he he he) ;)

Kasia said...

er...the philistiness kinda came from the general area of greece...but everyone can't win at the same time. k. would go bunckrupt;-)

Anonymous said...

it was a reference to ignorant archaeological interpretations. besides, everyones always just tries to copy the Greeks even in an academic environment.
PS- bankrupt

Kasia said...

next time i'll think 4 times before i set up a competitive arch. quiz.
ps. is that so?