on our way to lunch...

Fled the house today to go to queen st west for a lunch with natalie (1st cousin). we left the car in a closed down street and walked the rest of the way. i think n. was a bit annoyed with me cause i kept stopping and walking sideways. i was admiring the old toronto architecture, you see. i know the historical archaeologists will appreciate this. there are lovely stain glass works everywhere, not to mention the brickwork and the turrets and the carvings...godess help me if there is a future shop in my path in the next little while.
we arrived, slowly but surely, at a cafe/restaurant called 'fresh'. and, quel surprise, we were refreshed with a completely veggie meal and raspberry lemonade. i mean, what's better than the cool green interior of a neighbourhood eatery while outside the humid heat mixed with day's worth of pollution and construction induced traffic passes by? not much, my friends, not much.
so i leave you with this image for now...
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