anyway, lately i've been thinking that the only thing that's been geting me out of bed is 'its excellency the looming thesis' also known as 'the chip on k's shoulder'.
everybody else seemed to be victims of their apala conference papers/presentations today...cara didn't even turn any noise on.
me? i had fun calculating the relationships between the percentages of human remains, vessels and small finds in each of the levels in Tomb 1...if only i knew how many imports in each as well. i bet it makes perfect sense to you, eh? eh?
nisse gave me a drawing of alice and the caterpillar (a copy of one from 1904).
chris m. gave me a ring from atlanta to gloat about how much he loves his new job.
oh and if you haven't heard already, meagan has joined the blogging community;-) m. check out boris akunin's detective novels (tzarist russia).