tel aviv again. on tuesdays and fridays there is an artist bazaar in the little textile shopps area. then had coffee with my aunt a.
jerusalem. took the newly re-established train. first step -- bible lands museum. then to the israel museum to browse the bookstore. met alex for dinner, in a wonderful french restaurant downtown, amazing fish and whie wine. then to reut's , then 'aromah' for coffee and chat.
r. had to work so i decided to hang out at the israeli museum again. they had this exhibit called 'beauty and the book'. well...real autumn leaves in plexiglass sheets attached to a wall to form 'pages'. each 'embroidered' with needles to create images out of the tiny holes. a clay head of an old woman sleeping with a book stuck in her head.
dreaming books everywhere, exchanging secrets.
'idiom' -- a tower/well of books going forever inside and out, a feat achieved with help of mirrors and lights (for depth and eternity).
'rectified' books, collageand ink books, sculpture books, books of dreams, books for dreamers, dreams of books.
book of the dead.
books about books about books.
and children running everywhere. french grandmother with a toddler softly calling "bravo, bravo, mon cheri" when he solved a puzzle in the kiddie corner.
photo of a portrait by raphael in an album book.
i even saw a book that was knitted!
a lot of reall cool, funky grandmothers with grandauthers. even some grandfathers with grandkids.
a copy of john baxter's 'a pound of paper. confessions of a book addict'.
then, to the 'beginnings' exhibition. a scarab with a human face. cypriot vessels that looked african to me.
taking pictures of weird ass sculptures in the art garden.
on the beach! they sell both icecream and hot buns (beigele) on the beach here.
the sea was so warm! like a milk bath. love swimming in the dark. very nice waves today.
an now a bit of poetry from the book exhibit, to make your experience here more authentic...
"outside a dog, a book is a man's best friend. inside a dog, it's too dark to read"
(groucho marx)
"The nation shatterd
hills and streams remain.
A city in Spring,
grass and trees deep;
feeling the times
flowers draw tears;..."
(tu fu, 713-770 a.d.)